Colin and Darcy Sauer
Colin and Darcy’s love affair with the West Coast is almost as old as their love affair with each other.
Both born and raised in British Columbia, they set off for Alberta at the age of 19. The West Coast always held a special place in their hearts (especially Darcy’s, who would drive up and down the Old Island Highway declaring to anyone who would listen that “one day this would be the road that takes me to my home”), and so after 31 years in Alberta, Colin and Darcy made Fanny Bay home in September 2014.
Their residence is right next to Tall Cedars so they are on site to help with any questions, directions, and dinner ideas, and love to share their knowledge of this place they now call home. Colin and Darcy love the land, the neighbourhood, community and all that Vancouver Island has to offer. It is a dream come true to be here and they look forward to sharing their enthusiasm with you.