Smoke on the water
It is a weird and eerie time here at Tall Cedars. Yesterday we woke up to the strangest colour outside our window, I was not even sure what time it was as the usual signs were disguised. I soon realized it was smoke from the forest fires that are swallowing up BC. Boat traffic has changed to airplane traffic and brave pilots are monitoring the fires. As I type a huge helicopter has just passed my house. The ocean seems to provide a bit of relief, there is a small breeze. Odd to wish for wind to take it all away, and then quickly take that thought back as the wind will only serve to fan the flames. The forecast is calling for a bit of rain later this week, and everyone I know all across the province & beyond are praying it comes true.
So, on a happier note, there are still lots of great things happening. This coming weekend is the Vancouver Island Music Festival, in my opinion one of the best festivals ever. Headliners include Lyle Lovett this year, but in my experience it is often the lesser known artists that are the real stand outs. Three days of great music, food, vendors, dancing, singing and fellowship. A beautiful event that is family friendly, earth friendly…well you get the point. If this sounds like your thing, early bird tickets go on sale Dec 1 at 8:00am every year. Then you can book Tall Cedars for a week and make a holiday out of it! The line up doesn’t get announced until spring, and the organizers feed you a bit at a time, kind of like unwrapping a present real slow. In all our years of going, we have never been disappointed. Something for everyone, that’s why it’s called a music fest.
We have had an overwhelming response to Tall Cedars, and thank all of our cheerleaders who continue to share/like/comment. The summer is booking up; we have a couple of weeks in August open, as well as the fall. Our Facebook page hit 200 likes over the weekend! Please keep the love coming! We welcomed our first guests this past weekend and by their comments, it is a hit! Come see for yourself. In the coming weeks we will be offering specials to coincide with events happening here. Stay tuned!
Stay safe, play safe, watch for any weird wisps of smoke and report anything immediately. Let’s all look out for one another.